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Aquaristic Water Conditioners and Minerals

Minerals and trace elements are vital for shrimp, crayfish, snails and fish, as well as for a functioning biosystem in a tank. A lack or an imbalance may lead to severe problems, manifest in poor plant growth, algae growth, odd behaviour of the tank inhabitants or even losses.

SaltyShrimp mineral salt water conditioners prevent this. These salts have been designed and manufactured especially for the use in a freshwater tank. They improve the water condition and provide your tank inhabitants with all the essential minerals and trace elements via the water, for their health and wellbeing. Moreover, SaltyShrimp mineral products support the activities of the all-important filter bacteria and improve plant growth - for a stable, healthy biosystem in your tank.

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Shrimp Mineral GH/KH+ - Minerals and trace elements

Shrimp Mineral GH/KH+ has been especially designed for the preparation of neutral aquarium water for keeping and breeding shrimp. It re-mineralises e.g. RO water, rainwater, fully desalinated water etc., raising total hardness (°dGH) and carbonate hardness (KH) at a ratio of °dGH/KH: 1.0/0.5. Especially shrimp from habitats with a neutral pH do very well in water prepared with this mineral salt.

Shrimp Mineral GH/KH+ contains all the important minerals and trace elements your shrimp need for their well-being, an intensive colouration, successful breeding and healthy growth. It also furthers plant growth and the microbial regeneration of biological filter substrates.

Instructions of use
Mix with water outside of the aquarium. Shrimp Mineral dissolves almost completely within seconds, and the water is ready for use at once. Please make sure that any undissolved particles go into your tank, too. Close container after every use at once as this mineral salt absorbs moisture.

Use Shrimp Mineral to re-mineralise RO water, rainwater, fully desalinated water etc. to reach a total hardness of about 6 °dGH and/or a conductance of about 300 +/- 50 µS (Microsiemens). For this purpose, an evenly full measuring spoon (about 2 g) to 10 litres of water is sufficient.
Measuring spoon enclosed.

Available packaging sizes (screw socket)

100 g  (sufficient for approx.  500 l aquarium water)   3000  hardness litres °dGH und  1500 hardness litres KH
200 g  (sufficient for approx.  1000 l aquarium water)   6000  hardness litres °dGH und  3000 hardness litres KH
750 g  (sufficient for approx.  3750 l aquarium water)   22500  hardness litres °dGH und  11250 hardness litres KH
2550 g  (sufficient for approx.  12750 l aquarium water)   76500  hardness litres °dGH und  38250 hardness litres KH